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sTRobeeRiii. . x))
25 September 2006

im currently studying physics. i get a test on radioactivity for tomorrow test. so umm i'll just post it *some of my revision* i dunno why but it helps me to remember. hhee x)) dont read it if you dont like physics *read:FISIKA*

characteristic of radioactivity (1) random in space: which atom will decay first (2) random in time:when atom will decay.
decay happens to unstable nucleus. when the atom changes by emitting alpha, beta or gamma emmision.

alpha stated as helium atom 4n 2p *p=protons n=neutrons* it has the best ionisation and least penetration, it can stop by a paper
beta stated as an electron atom 0n -1p it has medium ionisation *has equal mass as electron* and medium penetration, it can be stop by 5mm aluminium
gamma is an excess energy it has neutral charge *zero charge* and it has the least ionisation *least mass of the three* but best at penetration as it is very light

Deflection in magnetic field. alpha will attracts to negative charge while beta will attract to positive charge. they both deflect perpendicular according to FLEMMING LEFT HANDLAW.
deflection can count by the Geiger Muller counter (GM counter). the radiation that comes to the counter will ionised the gas *argon* and a pulse of current will flows then the counter will count the current in count per secs unit.

then there's photographic films which can detect radiation and they;re using safety badges.

half life is the time taken for sample to decay to its half values and its constant.

safety (1) storage : put in a lead box, use hazard warning symbol (2) using and handling : use protective clothes, use lead shield, dont eat near the radiation, use tongs

alpha particle scattering proves : the nucleus is small, the nucleus is positive, the nucleus is heavy
isotopes is an atom with the same number of proton but different number of neutron, unstable isotopes is radioactive *sometimes*

uses of isotopes (1) treating cancer : focus the ray on the cancer from different sides to have less damage on healthy cell, use gamma rays which has best penetration and less ionising. it is uses short half life (2) finding out the leaks in a buried pipe : flows the radioactive material through the pipe, then it will leaks out to any leaks or hole that then can be detected by the counter.

huuff. . i need to pray *tarawehan* ahaiah x))
wishmeLuck yeshh ppL. ^^

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
9:11 PM

the 3rd day of ramadhan. .
huuff. . im getting used to my daily activities now. wake up at 3.30 then pray then i study a bit, then after it i sleep again at 5.30. wake up at 6.30 yeaa sometimes 6.45 ahiahaiah my bad. x9 then i take a shower dress up and go to school. umm if i go at 7.20 i'll arrive at school 5minutes before the bell rang. but if i go at 7.15 i'll arrive 15mins before the bell. . ahiahaiah x)) can you see a big difference for only 5mins late? oyeaa for ramadhan we start school at 8 hhee. .

hmm i feel lot better if we have school in ramadhan. . coz i dnt have to think and feel confused which place is the best to spent my time or wht kind of activities that i need to do while im fasting. .
but the problem is, i'll be so tired after school. . and at night i have to do my homework while my family praying tarawih *read:taraweh XP* and the other disadvantages of having school in here is i cant go visit my grandpa's house *read:mudik* ahaihaiah x)) it's hard to go back to indo for the eid because we only have 10days of holidays and just right after the holidays i'll doing an english second languange exam part 2. . *listening test* oohh i hope i dnt have to mess it up.
im not good at listening or speaking. . specially for the test.! it get onto my nervous system and break everything that i tried to catch up.

umm yesterday we did volley for PE lesson. . and it was so damn hot and thirsty.!! we did volley on back court and the sun was shine so bright *yeaa you know? doha's sun?* and imagine i was fasting and i feel lyk i stood there just below the sun. . omg and we cant drink. . huuff. . i hope we dont need to do volley twice in this holy month. . or else im gonna swear and saying a bad word. . huhuh . . it WAS really hot.!!

andd umm anyone has an advice ?? i dunno wht im going to do whn i grown up. .

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
2:08 PM
23 September 2006

i took *with permission* this piece of article *umm i dunno wht its called* from farah who is currently a 16 yrs old girl lived in kansas city usa. she was a friend of mine whn i was elementary school. . and this is her blog whr i took her speech
* http://myweirdsoul.blogs.friendster.com/unpredictable/ *


My speech is nothing much, i was actually surprised when mother told me that people cried cause of it, n cried even more when i "choked" lol well no i didn't choked bt my friend who was standing far away she was like..
"i'm not sure.. but we're you choking in the mid of ur speech? or were u crying?"
HAhahaha.. sp yeah..

searching for the speech*****

AHA! here it is... jeng jeng jeng!!! lol

Freedom- freedom is being able to live what your heart desires with happiness and peace. As far as I know this act of freedom does not exist here or anywhere else. Why? Because of a lot of reasons. Bear with me, and I’ll tell you the moment I realize my freedom was slipping away in front of my own eyes.

September 11th, 2001 started like any other normal days, well that's what all of us thought, but it was a day when no one can forget. As far as my memory can reach, it all began before the second hour in my school which was the Islamic school of Greater Kansas City. One of my class mates was panicking and mentioning about bombs or some kind of explosions. I who was 11 years old at that time could barely comprehend what my classmate was talking about. I didn't know what was going on and we were all questioning each other about it.
I remember seeing parents coming to pick up their kids home, and all of a sudden the school was nearly empty of students. The remaining of us was brought to the Social Studies class room, and was asked to sit down; there our teacher had turned on the TV earlier, and the first thing I saw was a plane crashing into a tall building. I thought that since almost every one's gone the teachers decided to let us watch some latest movie on TV, but then I realized it wasnt a movie, we were actually watching the news. As I was observing the people around me, I realized that there were tears in their eyes, and some were shaking their heads in horror, saying, “Oh God,” over and over again.

I didn't realize until now that from that day on, right after we left the main door of the school- everything changed, and I mean everything. School was closed a couple of days due to the threats that we were receiving. Teachers were trained by police to check for bombs before classes begin. Parents had a hard time getting jobs, a few mothers had to take off their scarves *read:jilbab* in order to keep their jobs, and some were fired after knowing that they had a Muslim member in their family.

jumping to another memory of mine- an incident that happened when I was in a car looking out side. I was viewing all the cars passing by, until this one particular car passed us. I realized this guy who pushed his face out the window was screaming at me all the foul words. On top of that, he flicked me off. I would never understand why he did that. Was it because he was mentally challenged? Or was it because of what I wore that reflected my religion. Was it a sin to be modest?

I never understood why some people would see me differently, because as far as I know, we're all the same. We're humans and there's nothing more about it. Surely what we wear is more then what others wear, and I'm used to people staring at me. But until now, there are just times when I don't feel comfortable at it. Especially when I witnessed with my own eyes, people glaring from top to bottom over and over again at my mother or at me with disgust and hatred written in their faces. If you would feel the madness I have when that happens, it's unimaginable. I mean sure look at us, I don't mind, but please have some manners or respect for others. But when I think about it again, I should let them think what ever they want, because I know they are not any better then I am.-

As far as I can think off, I can't really recall any major good things that had happened after September 11th, only that my faith has gone stronger and I will do what ever it takes, to let people understand that all I want is peace, freedom and love among each other… which in Arabic is also called Jihad, which means struggle, and it does not mean killing the innocents.

i guess wht made them cried is because i read it with "feelings" and i said it word by word..ngahahaha.. it was fun, i think it would be awesome if i do this again, jst tht next time, i'll make sure tht no one will caught me crying HAhahaha..

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
3:19 PM

Ramadhan mubarak.!
its 4:oo am now. . i did just finish my sahur. . *i;ve no idea how to spell it in english* hhhaaa x))
im waiting for the toilet. too scare to use the toilet front and my parents' but the devils are sealed on the month of ramadhan rite? hihihih x)) yeaa but me still me. . haihaiah x9*

hmm. . for this post i wanna tell you guys about our family rutinities in the month of ramadhan. . usually we get up half an hour before imsak *hhaa spelling probs* but my mom gets up before us. . she's the one who preparing for imsak. . and the one who waking us up.. she's a HERO.!! haihaa x)) then we read the quran *ngaji hhee x))* umm but. . sometimes. . my brothers are so lazy. . hhii so do i. . *x9* haihhh bad habit. . after it we pray thenn we sleep. . my parents are sleeping too sometime. .

its just lyk the others family's rutinities rite? yea.. hhaaa x)) you know whn i was a child. maybe whn i was 4 or 5 yrs old. i thought if we're fasting we can eat or drink whenever we can as long as you ask allah's promise. hhhaa. . so whn i was a child i ddnt wake up for sahur *yeaa sometime hhaa* and then whn i feel like im hungry i'll say

"yaa allah. .im hungry . i wnna eat now. . please let me ohh allahh"

haihaiahaiah x)) but my parents nver know that. . haiahaihaiaha x9* coz i lie low whn i eat. .hhaa even whn i eat in front of them they say nothing. . hhaa because since im just a kid. hhhaaa x)) then whn the athan *magrib* has came. me and my bro are the fast to get the food. . eventhough we know we ddnt fasting. . hhooh. .its become a race whn i was a child. . *but not again whn we grown up* hhheee x)) then for every ramadhan we get a sheet each to record our daily rutinities. such as 5 times pray, fasting or not, reading the quran or not, helping our parents. hhhaa x)) if we did all the requirements we got some money at the end of ramadhan. ahahhaha x)) and its still happening until today ^^
hoo how i miss my childhood so bad.!! i wish to rewind back the time. . but we just cant.! and all we can do is face the time. .do as it told. . and
times wait for nobody.! *hhaa my english teacher used to say this*

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
4:15 AM
22 September 2006

changes in the starting day of ramadhan
it is start on 23rd of october. . but maybe for some *indonesian ppl* they'll start on 24th. . because its already too late. the kingdom of saudi arabia has announced the starting day of ramadhan. due to the appearance of the moon.

by then, marhaban ya ramadhan.!

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
8:49 PM

muahahah . . *this post related to the post in the bottom page*
okii. . i take back my words. . now i feel like. . umm
THANKS GOD.!! haihaai XD because me and my indo friend are staying in Mrs.Worsnop class. so now, we are becoming the new scientist of the week. .

now i believe, there's always something behind the god's plan. . all we have to do is just do it and thanked god for all his kindness.

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
10:39 AM
21 September 2006


*pndangan pnuhh religi*


Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
4:50 PM
20 September 2006


English second languange exam is just like a normal exam but it is usually for people who doesnt speak english as their main or daily languange, like me. But at school we're divided into three sets. Set 1 is first languange literature english, second is first languange english and third is second languange english.

English second languange exam are taken by all of the students. and it is affected our next status. for first languange sets if we get C above then we'll stay as a first languange and if its not we'll move down. but the other way around the second languange will move up to first languange if they'll get C or B above *im not sure*

Today Mr.Elliott *my english teacher* gave us entry sheets for the exam. and i just realised it that the exam will be held on the 25th of october. which is if im right, it is the day of eid al-fitr *read:lebaran* and it is on 8.30 am at school. they're so rude. i meant its a muslim's big day. we always respect they're religion. every christmas we have a week holiday. and i study at an islamic country, arabian one. so it should be cancelled. i talked to mr.eyre our english head department. and he said "it is an international exam from the cambridge universities so we cant change it" yeaa blaa3x. .

if im not going for umrah this ramadhan, i wont be really mad. cause i could still do the exam after eid pray. but the problem is im going for umrah on the 18th of october and come back at the 28th.

my choice is only, i take the exam and im not going for umrah, which is means im gonna be alone at home, preparing my sahoor and dinner alone. fufufufu x(( i cant bear such things like those. .

please anyone gimme some good advice. .

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
2:54 PM
17 September 2006

huuff. . today was so damn tired.! my right thigh was so hurt. coz i got P.E on fourth period. its not a big deal actually, coz we did badminton. and its not something that i cant do. the other way it is something that i am good at. hhaaa. . the only sport i am good at i think. but the problem is, i havent exercised my body for a long long tym. and it gets hurt when i bend my body to get the shuttle. and my right leg was more active than my left. hhee thats why it gets so hurt. .
and plus i got these new shoes. . actually i just bought it from indo, coz i think its really cute and its for to my friend *i wnna give it to her*. . i havent saw anything like those in qatar. . even if there's one i dont think the price would be the same. and for me its a regular all star's *fake* shoes with kawaaii motif and cheap price. but with all the sudden, my P.E shoes werent there whn i wnt to use it and we're already late so i took this shoes and i put it on my P.E bag. i could just wash it and give the shoes to my friend. but its unpolite thing to do. so i keep it as my own now. but its too big *not so big that my foot can easily come out* and it has high heels. *not exactly a heel but like. . the rubber on the buttom is too thick and it makes my shoes heavy.

and actually those shoe laces are for my friends. but i have more than enough for them. . hhhee x)) it looks nice on that shoes. umm i dnt lyk those shoes so much but i like the colour hhaa. and i bought those for my friend whom i know, she doesnt lyk pink. i think it's funny to see her on pink but sadly i wear it already. . soo sorryy. .!! and yeaa that;s not all of it. as i said my P.E lesson is on fourth periode. it's exactly before the second break. we have 5 subjects each day. and P.E for that period is so annoying. bcoz we have to change our P.E clothes to uniform. and it takes tym. beside our inside clothes have gone wet and we need to cover it with our uniform. its disguise thing. and you smelled sweaty shirt everywhere. huuff. . unluckily i cant bring my parfume which is the bottle made by piece of glass. and its so small. i cant carry it on my heavy bag. neither on my P.E bag. so i need to get a spray of parfume from someone else or nothing.
after my P.E lesson is accounting. we didnt do so much today. . and last night i did my accounting homework which he gave us from 2 weeks ago. and today he's half absent and we got an unofficial test. its a nice quick easy test. and 15 minutes before the bell rang. he's appearing himself *wat an unappropriate grammar* so aflah asked him bout his daughter *whose our friend also* whn is she going back to qatar and blah3x but i feel rather upset than happy to know she's coming back on this friday.

*im happy without her selfish manner~~

i am using english for my post so i can improve my english and so it gets to become a habit for me. x)) pls tell me if i use unappropriate grammar or tense or else.

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
4:33 PM
16 September 2006


haiahiahai new template. . thx for asti. she made out this template.
^^ im not an artistic person. and a genious one. hhhee xD
i cant make my own skin. . huhuh
so please anyone?? who's willing to teach me how to make one??
please contact me on my Y!Messenger. [honey_91rl_253]


Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
4:22 PM
11 September 2006

BATUUK.!! omgg bTukk saiiaah paRahh skaLii. . munkinn kaRenaa cuaca kaLii ya. .
dii LuaR pnass cumaa di skuLaahh Tiap buiLding dnginn beTh. .
uda gTuu debuu dmnaa2 *scaRa guRunn pasiR*

huff haRi ni cha gag skuLah. . gaRaa2 Tuh baTuk yg smaLem mkinn menjadi2. .
ToLOng doanyaa yaa. . spayaa baTuknyaa cpeT smbuh. .
soaLnyaa kLO gw baTuk. . sumpaa annoying beTh buaT oRang2. .
mkanyaa haRii nii gag msukk. .
kmaRenn ajha gw di kLas accounTingg *yg siLenT abiss* hanyaa suaRa bTuk gue yg TeRdengaR. .
anak2 ngRasaa TeRganggu Lahh pasTinyaa. .
udahh guRunyaa gag bsaa ddngeR ucapannyaa *accenTnya scoTLand abiisss* eh dTambah gw baTuk2. ? waahhhh gawaT kmaRen TUhh. .

*ohookkk ohookkk* >_>

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
9:39 AM
08 September 2006

so sorry there was an emergency call from my friend. .hihih x9

okay.! so. . my teacher didnt care about us. . Then we stay at her class. . which means. .we're stupid. . hhhaaa x9 hmm but I'm Lucky that we onLy have one cLass for chemistry.!so they dont set us.!! yayyyy!!
ahahha xD i got C on it. . >__<

but for the other subjects I am on set 1. . muahahaha The smart of me.! even I got C for math. .but i still on the first set. .with Mr.Dooley.! omg. . he stay.!! he's one of the only teacher *with Mr.Wallace for ICT, Mr.Elliott for english and maybe Ms.Williams and Mr.ifrgotwhthisname for PE* that still teach us for this year. .

for business we got new teacher, Miss Coates. . accounting, we got Mr.Manuel . omg its disaster!! i cant even understand what he's talking about.!! he's from scotland. . he's accent was soo. .hard to understand.! how I supposed to study if i cant even understand him? only the god knows!

1 week already gone. . and 25 weeks left til my IGCSE. . *25 weeks of school*

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
3:10 PM
07 September 2006

you know. . actually im not that stupid. . I only got 3 C's from my last term exam. and its only for umm say like. . ICT, chemistry and umm math. x(( first tym i got C for math. . *a disaster for me >_<
okay! we carry on. . so then here I am. . still the same *except heavier and uglier ahah xD* my tutor class still Mrs.Pritchard and I'm yr 11GP. . first day of school was okay for me. . except for I have just remembered that at the yr 11, they divide our class subject into sets. Set 1, those who have A, B, C for their last term grade. and set 2, those who got below C. .

my first subject that we went to on the first day of school, was BIOLOGY. . i totally forgot about those sets until on our assembly Mrs.Worsnop *i dnt know how to spell her name* told us..
"those who have called their name are with me" then she started to called out our name. . Luckily my name wasn't on there. . because I heard she called out Carmen's name. . and if it was Carmen, it must be Set 2. . Me nd Aflah *my indonesian-mate* were so happy about it. .There, we walked to our biology lab with some smart friend from our group. . we lined up in front of our class as usual. . Til the teacher *Mrs.Noland will teach Set 1* said we can come in .

But. . before she told us to come in. . she did the register and checking. . I didnt feel anything bad would happening and I just smiled. Til the end of the registration she asked. .
"who else haven't called out?"
I raised my hand and i just realised Aflah's also didn't. .*I thought her name was calling because our chinesse friend's name was calling* so she told us to go to the other set just to checked if our names are on Mrs.Worsnop list. .

Then we checked there, and she said our names aren't on her list or Mrs.Noland list. . Even our names never been on the list *i think i use the wrong tenses to describe this*

omg we were like soo upset and totally confused we didnt know what to do. . then Mrs.Worsnop told us to stay there. .and she said
I was happy.. a bit.. to hear that, at least we're doin an extended course *extended=difficult one*
but I regret it now. . We supposed to tell Mrs.Noland about it. .maybe we can stay on her class. . But time has passed. . We stuck in this class. .at the end of the lesson. .she asked our mark. . we said we got B. . than she said, *with her british accent* "you must be with her. .okay. .I'll check later about this. .but dont worry you can stay here if you like. .because they're doing exactly the same course as we are"

huufff. . Than today. . i was hoping that she remembered to check our name on which list are we. . but she;s totally forgot and she say. .
"i dont mind where you staying!"
omg. . i cant believe it. . she doesnt care.!!

continue later. . emergency!!

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
2:27 PM
06 September 2006

Favourite Colour: (s)!! PiNK&PURPLE, BLACK&RED, GREEN&YELLOW.!!
Favourite Food: (s)! JAPANESSE FOOD *sma kya asTi^^ yg jLas iLAFBUFFET.!!
Favourite Movie: LOTS. *Like dRama nd acTion beTTeR. .
Favourite Sport: i dnT Lyk spoRT. .buT pRefeR to do basebaLL Than baskeTbaLL. .x9
Favourite Day of the Week: FRiDAY.!!
Favourite Season: SUMMER.!! *no schooL. . weeeeeee x9
Favourite Ice Cream: gReenTea fLavouR. . x9* aahhh LOVEALLOFEM!!

Current Mood: HAPPY x))
Current Clothes: bLack T-shiRT, pink pyjamas panTs. . *hvnT took a showeR yeT
Current Desktop: DELLm60 *huuff i wish To change iT. .
Current Time: 7.18 *i heaRd aThan, Time foR isya' pRay. .
Current Surroundings: bed, wiTh sTRawbeRRy coveRed nd my ToweL.!
Current Annoyances: SCHOOL.!!
Current Thoughts: *mandi gak yeshh. .*

First Best Friend: hmm. . i hv bouT 5 of em. .
First Crush: ahiahaih xD i was on eLemenTaRy sch. usama ^^v
First Movie: *peTuaLangaann sheRinnaa wiTh my mon nd bRos
First Lie: umm. . yesTeRday.!! ahahah jk. .
First Music: *ninnnnaaa boooboooo. .

Last Drink: non-faT miLk+honey *hhhaa i goT soReThRoaT
Last Car Ride: mine *my mom's acTuaLLy. .
Last Crush: pandaa. . ahahah x9* noT anymoRe. .
Last Phone Call: mommaa
Last CD played: pRoof. .

Have You Ever..
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: umm i Think he became my bestfrnd coz i dated him?idunoo. .
Have you ever broken the law: ahahhhaa. .that;s beTween god nd me. . *=.=
Have you ever been arrested: OMG.!! A GiRL LiKE MEHH.??
Have you ever been on TV: ahahhhaa depends. .
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: =.= *

5 things you are good at: EATiNG.WALKiNG.SLEEPiNG.READiNG.WRiTiNG.!
4 things you done today: weLL. . i am a busy peopLe. . =_=
3 things you can hear right now: keyboaRd typed.my bro's singing.!!mouse cLicked.!
1 thing you do when you are bored: TALKiNG.!
5 people Im tagging: icha.niTchy.puTRi.nifa.fiida

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
7:06 PM
04 September 2006

After school I finally Realize that today, my first day of school, isn’t that bad. . I was just too hyper to admit it that I’ll back for school, and did some work. .

But now I think. Today is better than the first day I came in to this school. . And by then I hope, this year is going to be very different and I hope, BETTER than last year. .

Specifically, my mark. !

Lafft.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
8:00 PM


omg. . 2monThs hoLiday. ! wiTh aLL sTuff ThaT was happening on The LasT 2monThs, i canT baReLy imagine how iT feeLs To go To schooL again.!
iTs haRd To ReaLize when you aRe aT The middLe of summeR, when TheRe's a pLace caLLed schooL ThaT aLReady waiTing foR you To come back.! on sepTembeR fouRTh, exacTLy TomoRRow.!! my nighTmaRe wiLL begin,
by Then i'LL be on my soRRow.! maybe iT's easy foR some of you To be seaTed aT gRade 11. . you aLReady knew youR FRiends. and aT LeasT you'Re noT junioR anymoRe. . you'Re in The middLe of The LaddeR sTaTus. and even some of you, Love To be aT This gRade, you have The gReaTesT poweR among sTudenT. . because youR senioR aRe [someTime] Too busy wiTh TheiR finaL exam. . Then you have The conTRoL oveR iT. .buT noT foR my schooL.!

buT foR me, yeaR[gRade] 11 oR 12 aRe jusT The same. . yeaR 11 wiLL be sTaRTed on TomoRRow, i have The gReaTesT woRRies, junk in my head. .
if you aRe NOT a new sTudenT who doesnT speak&undeRsTand engLish fLuenTLy and you DONT sTudy foR onLy 6monThs aT schooL and DONT have inTeRnaTionaL exam Like IGCSE oR asean games ThaT's comin up soon, Then you'Re Lucky. ! you donT have To woRRy, and jusT sTop Reading This.! because, you wonT know how iT feeLs To be me.! becoming a new sTudenT aRe veRy common, aT yeaR 10 we'LL become a new high schooL-er. buT iT is noT, ! if you aRe in my schooL. . we aRe LabeLLed, by ouR sTaTus, and ouR appeaRance. . even if you have boTh They stiLL LabeLLed us by ouR naTionaLiTy. Lucky you who has euRopean oR ameRican naTionaLiTy. buT you'LL be The LuckiesT peRson if you have boTh The sTaTus and you'Re a mix aRabian . ! and how piTy you aRe To be indonesian. ! They known us as TheiR maid, jusT Like TheiR indonesian homemaid. ! if They donT, They known ouR counTRy as a TRagicaL counTRy in The woRLd. ! hmphh. . They'Re RacisT.! [if you agRee wiTh me, conTinue..]

now you know how i feeL To be heRe. . To sTaRT my schooLday. . The schooL is fine by me. and aLso The TeacheR. . buT The sTudenTs aRe RacisT. . and iTs noT good. because
mosT of peopLe haTe schooL.!! buT some of Them, aRe sTiLL going To schooL because of TheiR fRiends! if they have such fReaky fRiends To RoLL wiTh. .Then They WILL LOVE TheiR schooL. ! i meanT iTs ok if you HATE schooL, buT aT LeasT you have youR gang To shaRe youR haTe To. !
Then wiTh Them, you'LL be encouRage To sTudy. . as you can sTudy TogeTheR. . and chiLL ouT TogeTheR.. and having some of memoRies of how cRazy you aLL aRE. !

i HATE schooL, mosTLy because of The exam. . and how siLenT we aRe aT schooL. ! because
me, my indo fRiend and my chinesse fRiends aRe RacisT vicTim. . fRom midd asia. . and The oTheRs aRe fRom souTh asia. .

WE HATE ARABIAN PEOPLE.!! buT we donT haTe schooL.!!because of schooL we meeT ouR fRiends TheRe.!

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